Who is @doniarmon13 on twitter?
Yeah @doniarmon13 is one of my bestfriends ever too :D I knew him from @babychaaaa (before I posted this article). He's a kind, friendly and nice person :) he comes from Yogyakarta and he's older than me. Usually I call him pipiyot, dayang bul-bul, or anything bad :p
this is the story guys,
waktu itu malem-malem aku on twitter-_- biasa ngga bisa tidur (I'm on @rryofi). Nah aku tweeting sama @babychaaaa :) tiba-tiba ada orang minta follow back atas nama @doniarmon13 via @babychaaaa. Ya akhirnya kita seru-seruan bareng :)
sampe sekarang hubungan kita masih lancar-lancar aja. Seperti @babychaaaa pernah otp (telfon), texting, connecting in facebook juga.
Tapi sepertinya kak Doni ini sekrang jadi sibuk banget. Jarang on twitter deh :O
kalau kak Doni tweeting tweetnya bagus-bagus loh :) boleh deh difollow mention for follow back :)
yoooooo salam cenat-cenut :3
Nb: dia juga salah satu admin dr acc yg mempertemukan kita (cieh apadah) :)
with smile,