Kamis, 10 Februari 2011

Who is @doniarmon13 on twitter?

Who is @doniarmon13 on twitter?
Yeah @doniarmon13 is one of my bestfriends ever too :D I knew him from @babychaaaa (before I posted this article). He's a kind, friendly and nice person :) he comes from Yogyakarta and he's older than me. Usually I call him pipiyot, dayang bul-bul, or anything bad :p
this is the story guys,
waktu itu malem-malem aku on twitter-_- biasa ngga bisa tidur (I'm on @rryofi). Nah aku tweeting sama @babychaaaa :) tiba-tiba ada orang minta follow back atas nama @doniarmon13 via @babychaaaa. Ya akhirnya kita seru-seruan bareng :)
sampe sekarang hubungan kita masih lancar-lancar aja. Seperti @babychaaaa pernah otp (telfon), texting, connecting in facebook juga.
Tapi sepertinya kak Doni ini sekrang jadi sibuk banget. Jarang on twitter deh :O
kalau kak Doni tweeting tweetnya bagus-bagus loh :) boleh deh difollow mention for follow back :)
yoooooo salam cenat-cenut :3

Nb: dia juga salah satu admin dr acc yg mempertemukan kita (cieh apadah) :)

with smile,

who is @babychaaaa on twitter?

maybe all of you that following my twitter (@rryofi) had some question who is @babychaaaa that so close with me. Ok, I'll tell you.
@babychaaaa or Chacha is one of my bestfriends ever. I knew her from twitter. This is the story.
Waktu itu aku gabung suatu acc twitter yang kaya mewakili perasaan orang orang gitu. Nah, salah satu adminnya itu @babychaaaa dia baiiikkk banget. Nah jadi kita itu sering sharing. And I don't know why aku ngerasa close sama dia. jadi kita seru-seruan di twitter. I feel really comfertable when I'm tweeting with her.
Well, hubungan kita masih sampe sekarang kok. Kita pernah otp (phoning), texting, connecting on facebook and ofcourse twitter.
She is so talented. She can play basketball well, ikutan paskib and she getting schoolarship! Yeah her parents is so proud of her :)
well this is I can tell to you. Masih penasaran bisa ask aku di @rryofi (twitter), Yofi Kurnia Bavari (facebook), rryofi@hotmail.com (msn) or rryofibavari@yahoo.com (YM!)

with heart,
